Monday, 12 April 2010

Real Deal Poker - A Scam That Tells the Rigtards What they Want to Hear? or the Solution to Rigged Online Poker...

This is a contributed 'view' column and is not Poker News.

A lot of gamblers are paranoid. It's only human nature to think we ought to win at games. Especially when there's skill involved. We're more skilful than the rest right? Online Poker must be rigged if we're losing... right? surely? It's the rigged random number generator catching up with us again. If only there was some kind of Real Deal going on! Well that's the exact paranoia that Real Deal Poker appears to be targeting with their upcoming launch.

YouTube hosts this video which is a recording of their launch presentation. I've included it for completeness and fairness - you guys can of course make your own minds up about these things.

Initially it all sounds good - let's deal some real cards. Let's make sure it's like live poker. It puts people's minds at rest because a lot of players have doubts and stop playing. This part is very interesting - I wonder how many fish are put off and will play at a site like this?

However it all becomes worrying at the mid-point of the video where truth and fiction blend into this marvellous discussion around why RNG's can't work as if somehow having some stationary pile of cards makes a difference when compared to a 'pile' in the computers mind.

...this effectively means the entire deck is always in play which has a profound impact on the gameplay and the odds... resulting in innacurate... gameplay.
Youtube: Real Deal Poker Launch Presentation

Luckily it's not all as bad as it seems. Gene Gioia actually agrees with us in his 'response to the forums' interview his site put out on Youtube. These changes aren't because they actually make a difference - they are because people who are worried about it being rigged think they do.

It doesn't change the odds in a game.
Gene Gioia of Real Deal Poker@5.44

Unfortunately for Gioia and his Real Deal Poker team that was the only thing I found reassuring about his interview. Some of the questions it sought to address were crisp and well thought out. The answers on the other hand. Well I'll let you decide.

When asked about the capacity of the warehouse needed to deal so many hands he replied:

this is people assuming they can know anything about how a system can work... most people are just capable of linear thinking.
Gene Gioia of Real Deal Poker

HollywoodPoker - Where the stars come to play

The most worrying part of his explanation really reminds me of the smoke and mirrors sales tactics life insurance companies used in days before regulation stopped them. A long rambling and generally incoherent explanation that yes there are a lot of ways a deck can be shuffled. This of course has no bearing on warehouses, number of tables or anything but it somehow was suggested it did. His answer did imply that some kind of pre-shuffling goes on though but I can't state this as fact as you can see in the video he's far from clear.

At the end of the day he's right it comes down to the fact they are launching a system...

...for cardplayers who are concerned about the fairness of games online
Gene Gioia of Real Deal Poker

The question is simply are you jumping from the frying pan of computer generated random decks into the fire of a warehouse in some foreign land assuring you they are shuffling those hidden decks of cards? I'll tell you one thing though, this reporter is a poker player and won't be risking his money when I can't even make sense of the conflicting stories in their own promotional material.


  1. Roulette Spielen is one of the game most ever wanted.

  2. Its funny how you assumed everybody that looses online is a fish. Have you ever investigated why so many poker players are consistent winners in "live" casino games and yet can "never" win in online poker. Hmmm - you could start with me. By the way, I have given up online poker and heard about the possibility of "real Deal Poker". But ala, the fact that they put a bar code on each card tells you right off that they can control the shuffle. I am not saying they will but the mechanism to do it is already in place.

  3. real deal is dumb to begin with, as stated they cannot tell you how much room and money will need to be invested to put up multiple card dealing machines. as far as it being rigged, i dont know, am suspicious, but have not seen hard evidence, but do agree that the amount of bad beats online are insane. i do however believe that if cheating is occurring, that this could be rigged just as anything else is. a RNG is fine as long as it is legit.

  4. is it possible that they could be using cgi to show the card machines, instead of having actual machines.
